Sunday, June 10, 2012

Eden Lake

Eden Lake

Eden Lake - Are you looking for video Eden Lake? You comes at the right place. We provide a review about Eden Lake to help you choose video at the Best Price Online with Secure Transaction Here.

Eden Lake

other Customer Rating: Eden Lake
Price : $3.99
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EDEN LAKE is a surprisingly great quality and well acted Survival/Revenge Horror film. It's a British film written and directed by James Watkins, who happens to be one of the screenwriters for the upcoming sequel to THE DESCENT. The film's plot is simple. A couple, Steve and Jenny, go to a lake out in the middle of nowhere to relax and spend some quality time together. Steve's ultimate goal of proposing to Jenny is ruined when they are harassed by a group of teenagers. Some back and forth trash talking goes on between Steve and the alpha male of the teen troublemakers. To make a long story short, things go a little too far and result with Steve being beaten and tortured. The teens panic and decide in order to not end up in prison that they must simply murder Steve and Jenny and cover their tracks. Jenny, who is normally a sweet and caring person, is now faced with the dilemma of finding the monster within herself in order to get her and Steve out of the area alive. And boy does she.

I was pretty much blown away by this movie. Next to INSIDE, ROGUE, and TEETH, it's probably one of my favorite Dimension Extreme movies. It's not so much the brutality of the film that made me like it, but the suspense that kept my eyes glued to the screen. Don't get me wrong, it IS a brutal film, but to me the suspense and emotion (and sometimes lack thereof) is what made the movie great. It started off as a run of the mill Survival Horror film and the characters of Steve and Jenny pushed the boundaries of the whole "so in love it's disgusting" couple that most films set up in order to make their inevitable demise THAT much more heartbreaking. It's clever but it's a cheap way to get the villain(s) of the film over. However, once the film went on, what slight feelings I had of disappointment soon left me. The antagonists in the film are so vile and disgusting and unlikeable. Add that to the fact that Steve and especially Jenny are so extremely likeable and BELIEVABLE as a couple anyway and it makes for a win/win situation. What makes Steve and Jenny real is that most adults can relate to their situation. For instance...

Have you ever gone to a movie theater to simply just relax and watch a movie, only to have your hard earned money wasted when you realize that the teenagers who walked in and sat right in front of you during the trailers will NOT stop talking and laughing? In most cases, people will leave the theater or just sit there and HOPE that they stop talking so that you can enjoy what little free time you have. Regardless, have you ever wanted to lift your leg and kick the back of the head of the annoying person sitting in front of you as hard as you can? Of course you have. If you fit the above description, then congratulations! You can now relate to Steve and Jenny's situation, except multiply it by a THOUSAND. And not only can you relate to them, but chances are you'll enjoy this film. But be warned... without spoiling anything, let's just say that the ending is not a happy one. And with the lack of happiness and relief will come a feeling of pure disgust knowing that the things in this film could actually happen and probably, at some point in time, HAVE happened. The characters in this film are real people. No monsters, no zombies, just regular people, which is what makes EDEN PARK truly horrific.

Granted, the film does have its cliche moments. For example, Steve driving into the woods and taking a shortcut to the lake when his talking GPS thing clearly tells him to "Turn Around", at which point him and Jenny look at each other and laugh. Also the story, while well done, is not original and it's ultimately a story that we've all seen before. The film takes a few twists and turns during the climax, leading to an ending that made me feel similar to how I felt when I watched the end of THE MIST, which is as much as I'll say about that. Gorehounds will also be satisfied as this movie has no shortage of blood and torture. A scene that stands out is one where a kid (who looks like he's about twelve years old) is stabbed in the neck and another one (who looks even younger) being set on fire! Needless to say if violence against teenagers is not your thing, you might want to skip this one. Also, by the end of the film Jenny (played by the adorable Kelly Reilly) is covered from head to toe in what looks like a combination of blood, pus, and feces. Overall, it's not an original movie, but still a suspenseful and violent one. It's not so much disgusting as it is moving. The cast and characters are great, the film quality is better than average, and it's definitely one of those films that you'll be recommending to friends just so you can hear their reaction after watching it. If you're a Horror fan, get your paws on EDEN PARK as soon as you get a chance.

4 stars

Eden Lake


Vanity Fair

Vanity Fair

Vanity Fair - Are you looking for video Vanity Fair? You comes at the right place. We provide a review about Vanity Fair to help you choose video at the Best Price Online with Secure Transaction Here.

Vanity Fair

other Customer Rating: Vanity Fair
Price : $5.99
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This is truly a great period piece and very well done. Beautiful costuming, scenery, and acting. A great pleasure to watch.

Vanity Fair


Saturday, June 9, 2012

Dragon Wars

Dragon Wars

Dragon Wars - Are you looking for video Dragon Wars? You comes at the right place. We provide a review about Dragon Wars to help you choose video at the Best Price Online with Secure Transaction Here.

Dragon Wars

other Customer Rating: Dragon Wars
Price : $9.99
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I am a 56-year-old movie buff and right off let me confess, I love this movie.

In my opinion this movie was never intended to be taken seriously at all. Consider that in the first exposition scenes you have not one, but 2 entirely different characters in different scenes say directly to the narrator in the middle of his attempted explanation of this nonsensical tale "what are you talking about?" I don't believe this was accidental folks, this is called comedy.

One thing to be aware of when you're watching this movie is that the director is the most popular comedian in the entire country of Korea. He gained his fame and fortune as comedic actor. In other words his entire professional career has been based on making people laugh.

I think most people who are reviewing this movie are completely missing the comedy. Frankly I found the movie to be hilarious.

How anyone could possibly take this movie seriously after seeing the Darth Vader character stupidly get run over by a car 2 times in a row is beyond me. That was obviously comedy (and very funny).

Yes it is entirely overblown. Layers of complete absurdity are piled with additional layers of even more absurdity. Which makes it a perfect satire of the Star Wars, Lord of the rings, Harry Potter and all of the rest of the overly pompous mega-movies. If there is a big overblown scene in one of those movies you're going to see a similar scene in this one.

A few examples. The Gungan Army scene from Star Wars episode 4 -- only this time the Army with the cute, smiling dinosaur critters with the weapons on their backs are the bad guys. And these smiling dinosaurs are wreaking total havoc on Los Angeles fighting the LAPD. The incongruity of the destruction and the cute smiley dinosaurs is absolutely hilarious.

Remember the giant explosion scene in Independence Day with the flames and flying cars rushing up the street? It's here, but with a very funny twist. In this movie the same thing is done by a giant snake rushing up the street. The exorcism scene in the Exorcist? Yep, it's here too, tossed in like the kitchen sink, completely unconnected to any plot points.

Giant marching Imperial Army and Ninjas? Sure enough. Darth Vader character with a ridiculously laughable sinister voice? Of course. Rampaging Jurassic Park dinosaurs? You got it. Dogfights straight out of Independence Day? It's here too.

Savor the site of Ray Harryhausen look-alike creatures doing massive destruction that Ray most certainly dreamed of, but couldn't accomplish with the technology of his day. I can tell you that he is smiling in his grave cause this movie delivers a wonderful tribute to his work.

Let me name a few more of the movies that have tributes here. Pitch Black, King Kong, Seventh Voyage of Sinbad, Men in Black, Dragonheart, Ghostbusters, Godzilla, Ninja Mutant Turtles, the Host, The Thing, Rodan and even Monty Python and the holy Grail. It doesn't stop there, look carefully and you'll see many many more.

Does the acting suck? Absolutely. Is the story completely incomprehensible? It most certainly is. Is it even more ridiculous than Star Wars, Lord of the rings or dozens of others. Yes it is, and I believe that was exactly the point.

I predict this movie will be watched at midnight showings at colleges 10 years from now with folks rolling in the aisles.

I have seen lots of Hollywood studio comedies recently and have not laughed nearly as hard as I did watching Dragon wars. I literally had tears streaming from my eyes many times because I couldn't stop laughing.

So give yourself a break from any pretensions of seriousness, have a glass of wine and have a fun time watching and laughing at the funniest, most ridiculous spectacular eye candy CGI movie ever.

Dragon Wars


Tyler Perry's Why Did I Get Married Too?

Tyler Perry's Why Did I Get Married Too?

Tyler Perry's Why Did I Get Married Too? - Are you looking for video Tyler Perry's Why Did I Get Married Too?? You comes at the right place. We provide a review about Tyler Perry's Why Did I Get Married Too? to help you choose video at the Best Price Online with Secure Transaction Here.

Tyler Perry's Why Did I Get Married Too?

other Customer Rating: Tyler Perry's Why Did I Get Married Too?
Price : $9.99
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Gathered together in the Bahamas for their annual one-week reunion, four close couples eagerly reconnect, sharing news about their lives and relationships. But their intimate week in paradise is disrupted by the unexpected arrival of Sheila's ex-husband, Mike, who hopes to break up her new marriage with Troy and win her back. The others soon realize they too are not immune to the challenges of commitment and fidelity. Angela doesn't believe her husband, Marcus, can be faithful now that he's a celebrity television newscaster. Dianne and Terry's relationship is feeling the strain of raising children. And Patricia, a successful self-help psychologist, must finally reveal the deep flaws in her seemingly perfect marriage to Gavin. With their relationships hanging in the balance when they return home, each couple must choose between blame and forgiveness, doubt and faith, with life-altering consequences.

The truth of the matter is that I have mixed feelings about this movie. Am I glad I saw it? Yes! This is one movie I wouldn't mind seeing again (if only to watch Shelia). Did I expect something different? Yes and no. Did I enjoy the movie? Yes, I'd have to say that I did. The truth is that it is just a different type of movie. The first movie examined how individuals dealt with the problems in their marriages; the good, the bad and the ugly. And in the first movie, they all had better relationships and a greater understanding of each other as people. Now, the second movie addresses what happens when a relationship breaks down (literally) and how we as human beings learn to cope with the change, hardships and difficulties. See, not bad, but different.

I feel the mark of a good movie is when you forget you are watching it, and you get drawn into the story. And let me assure you that this will happen. I will admit that this movie had a lot packed into it, but it gives you a fresh look on how these characters have changed, or not changed, over the three years since the first movie. It is a very emotional ride at times, but it all pays off when Shelia embarrasses Marcus, or when Troy stands up for his wife, and Janet's character really shows her other side.

The location for the reunion was absolutely beautiful, and get to see the conversations between the men and the women (in individual groups) and then see how the stories match up as the movie continues beyond the weekend get-a-way. There really is no need to describe the story any further because each person will experience it differently. Personally, I thought the movie began a bit slowly, however when it got to the end, I was happy for the slow parts it gave me time to catch up. Overall: if you like Tyler Perry movies, you should see this movie. It is worth the ride, very enjoyable.

Tyler Perry's Why Did I Get Married Too?


Friday, June 8, 2012

Jagged Edge

Jagged Edge

Jagged Edge - Are you looking for video Jagged Edge? You comes at the right place. We provide a review about Jagged Edge to help you choose video at the Best Price Online with Secure Transaction Here.

Jagged Edge

other Customer Rating: Jagged Edge
Price : $2.99
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A ponderous murder mystery-thriller that plays better than it normally would thanks to solid star turns by an impeccable cast. Jeff Bridges (always an economical and subtle actor) is perfect as the cryptic suspect; and Glenn Close strikes a delicate balance between intellectual aloofness and romantic vulnerability as the defense lawyer who becomes too involved with her client. Nice work also by Peter Coyote as the prosecution, Leigh Taylor-Young as a vengeful woman spurned, and (especially) Robert Loggia as a foul-mouthed, hard-living evidence investigator. The combined intensity of these gifted actors almost camouflages the plot manipulations that plague the script's credibility from beginning to end ... almost.

The digitally mastered DVD transfer is more than acceptable, providing sharp anamorphic visuals and crystal clear sound. The disc provides both letterboxed and pan-and-scan presentations, and includes thumbnail biographical sketches of the director (Richard Marquand), Bridges, and Close. Four theatrical trailers ("Against All Odds", "Arlington Road", "The Natural", "Air Force One") are used to plug other Columbia Tristar videos, but unfortunately the trailer for "Jagged Edge" is not on the menu. Recommended for fans of Bridges and Close, or those interested in the career of screenwriter Joe Eszterhas; other viewers, specifically devotees of tightly plotted mysteries, may find the film less engaging.

Jagged Edge


Everest: Beyond the Limit Season 3

Everest: Beyond the Limit Season 3

Everest: Beyond the Limit Season 3 - Are you looking for video Everest: Beyond the Limit Season 3? You comes at the right place. We provide a review about Everest: Beyond the Limit Season 3 to help you choose video at the Best Price Online with Secure Transaction Here.

Everest: Beyond the Limit Season 3

other Customer Rating: Everest: Beyond the Limit Season 3
Price : $12.49
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Season 3 of Everest: Beyond the Limit isn't near as good as Season 1 or 2. I watched Seasons 1 and 2 on Netflix and was hungry for more. Seasons 1 and 2 follow Russell Brice's Himex Everest guide company as they get amateur climbers to the summit of Everest. For season 3, things change. Season 3, episodes 1-3 follow a different competing company, only episodes 4-5 are footage of Brice's team.

The main difference is that seasons 1 and 2 built the suspense as the season went along. The first episode introduced you to the team, the second to "warm up" then up to the summit (or failed attempts) and the aftermath of getting back down.

Season 3 is more like 5 disjointed mini-documentaries. Other than all taking place in one climbing season and finding stories from two climbing teams, the episodes have no other connection and no real flow from one to the next. There also are no stand out characters, like "Biker Tim" or Mogens from the first and second seasons. Season 3 also takes the climbers along the south route, instead of the north, and there never seems to be as good of a clear picture as to the exact route. In seasons 1 and 2, by the end, you felt like you had traveled the entire North route and knew it. In season 3, the climbers will often "jump" from one camp to the next with no footage of what was in between.

Overall, if you liked seasons 1 and 2, than 3 is worth a watch. Try the first episode and decide if you want to complete it. There aren't any cliffhangers in ep. 1, so if you don't like it, you won't feel like you are missing anything in the rest of the episodes. If you are new to the Everest: Beyond the limit series, start with Season 1 and go from there.

Everest: Beyond the Limit Season 3


Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Ugly Truth Featurette: Capturing the Male and Female Point of View

The Ugly Truth Featurette: Capturing the Male and Female Point of View

The Ugly Truth Featurette: Capturing the Male and Female Point of View - Are you looking for video The Ugly Truth Featurette: Capturing the Male and Female Point of View? You comes at the right place. We provide a review about The Ugly Truth Featurette: Capturing the Male and Female Point of View to help you choose video at the Best Price Online with Secure Transaction Here.

The Ugly Truth Featurette: Capturing the Male and Female Point of View

other Customer Rating: The Ugly Truth Featurette: Capturing the Male and Female Point of View
Price : $0.00
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What can I say about this movie that no one else has...nothing everyone has already said what I wanted to say, but I can say this... Gerard Butler is one finnneee man and Katherine Hegil she is so pretty I wish I could be pretty like her someday,nahhhh I'm pretty just the way I am but she is pretty. I love this movie its one of my favorite comedies I watch it
I really need to laugh :D

The Ugly Truth Featurette: Capturing the Male and Female Point of View


The Woman in Black

The Woman in Black

The Woman in Black - Are you looking for video The Woman in Black? You comes at the right place. We provide a review about The Woman in Black to help you choose video at the Best Price Online with Secure Transaction Here.

The Woman in Black

other Customer Rating: The Woman in Black
Price : $24.99
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The Woman in Black is a pretty traditional haunted house story that focuses on atmosphere and the lingering feeling of dread instead of CGI gore and horror. If you've read the book, you'll be familiar with the unsettling nature of the story - a general sense that translated well to the stage play and here to the film. The filming locations capture the remoteness of a house cut off by tide and tragedy and the general production design makes great use of a set to spring some fairly major jumps.

Daniel Radcliffe is well cast in bringing an innocence to a pretty dire situation where children keep dying every time the woman in black shows up, and he's clearly going to keep going beyond Harry Potter. The rest of the cast do well to portray the town that doesn't want Radcliffe there too. All of the tension and surprises rise from the situation and some clever camera shots and even the most hardened horror fan should get quite a few scares.

It's all a fairly solid production until the ending. Susan Hill's book transcended the genre with the end of her story (which has since been copied many times) but this movie doesn't stay faithful to the original material in an attempt to spare the audience the downer. Considering the whole tale is about multiple violent child deaths, I think the filmmakers underestimated the audience here.

The Woman in Black


Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Doctor Who - Matt Smith Specials

Doctor Who - Matt Smith Specials

Doctor Who - Matt Smith Specials - Are you looking for video Doctor Who - Matt Smith Specials? You comes at the right place. We provide a review about Doctor Who - Matt Smith Specials to help you choose video at the Best Price Online with Secure Transaction Here.

Doctor Who - Matt Smith Specials

other Customer Rating: Doctor Who - Matt Smith Specials
Price : $12.99
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Watching the modern Doctor Who one-off specials has certainly become an unexpected Christmas tradition in our home. And each Doctor brings his own spin to the holiday themed episodes. Last year Matt Smith's Doctor took on Dickens in an outer-space interpretation of "A Christmas Carol." It was frenetic and funny, managed to seamlessly blend tragedy with humor, and was emotionally satisfying without being cloying. This year, we had "The Doctor, The Widow, and The Wardrobe" (its central plot point borrows from a certain literature classic--I think you can figure out which one). This may well be the most straightforward and heartfelt Christmas special yet. Set in World War II era Britain, Smith helps a family adjusts to what promises to be a painful season by making a perfect getaway experience for the kids. However, with the best of intentions, one of the Doctor's surprises leads to unexpected dangers. The family must work together to ensure their very survival and get back home.

The special capitalizes of an eco-friendly theme as the principle aliens within the piece are not your typical beasts. They too are a race battling to live as manmade intrusions into their environment threaten their existence and livelihood. Might the Doctor and his charges be of assistance? It is Christmas after all. Or as certain annihilation looms, might it be too late for anyone to survive? This is Doctor Who after all. The show's pacing is brisk and its storyline affirms a strong message of loyalty and family. In fact, the Doctor's exposure to the widow and her children make him contemplate those that he has left behind through the course of his exploits.

While many of the past Christmas specials were completely independent, "The Doctor, The Widow, and The Wardrobe" actually fits comfortably into the timeline of the on-going series. With a minimum of screen time, the show's finale packs an emotional punch that really resonates and sets up future episodes. And while, in truth, the main story was pleasant enough--it is these last few minutes that really distinguish this special and make it memorable. Smith is crisp and amusing as always, but it is Claire Skinner (as the mother) that really gets some nice dramatic moments. All in all, this is a very well balanced presentation. And, especially due to the last few moments, it is one that I will remember. A solid 4 star episodes with a simple but effective 5 star finale, I'd rank this as one of the sweetest (and possibly best) Christmas specials yet. KGHarris, 12/11.

Doctor Who - Matt Smith Specials


Bob The Builder On Site: Trains And Treehouses

Bob The Builder On Site: Trains And Treehouses

Bob The Builder On Site: Trains And Treehouses - Are you looking for video Bob The Builder On Site: Trains And Treehouses? You comes at the right place. We provide a review about Bob The Builder On Site: Trains And Treehouses to help you choose video at the Best Price Online with Secure Transaction Here.

Bob The Builder On Site: Trains And Treehouses

other Customer Rating: Bob The Builder On Site: Trains And Treehouses
Price : $1.99
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My little guy is three and he loved this. I really like him seeing things built in the real world, not just animation.

Bob The Builder On Site: Trains And Treehouses


IMAX Born to Be Wild

IMAX Born to Be Wild

IMAX Born to Be Wild - Are you looking for video IMAX Born to Be Wild? You comes at the right place. We provide a review about IMAX Born to Be Wild to help you choose video at the Best Price Online with Secure Transaction Here.

IMAX Born to Be Wild

other Customer Rating: IMAX Born to Be Wild
Price : $3.99
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I took my kids to see this back in August 2011 at the Great Lakes Science Center in Cleveland, Ohio.

It was their 1st IMAX experience (they are 4 and 2 years old). They were so patient and were riveted!

I love how it was all about FAMILY. Animals need love and care just as much as humans.

I have been searching online for the video since then. I have it preordered and I can't wait to rewatch it over and over!

IMAX Born to Be Wild


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Hey Dude

Hey Dude

Hey Dude - Are you looking for video Hey Dude? You comes at the right place. We provide a review about Hey Dude to help you choose video at the Best Price Online with Secure Transaction Here.

Hey Dude

other Customer Rating: Hey Dude
Price : $9.99
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I have been hoping Nickelodeon would make the box sets (or any sets) of "Hey Dude" & "Salute Your Shorts" for some time now, but heard of nothing yet. I think if Nickelodeon has any chance of keeping up with DIsney Channel, they need to start making the classics and then onto new stuff. I bought Pete & Pete (both seasons) the day they came out and my hopes were high that Salute Your Shorts & Hey Dude were soon to come. Unfortunately, as of 2010 there's still no word... Come On NICKELODEON!!! Get On w/it or sell the rights to someone who will do it!!!!

Hey Dude


Head On

Head On

Head On - Are you looking for video Head On? You comes at the right place. We provide a review about Head On to help you choose video at the Best Price Online with Secure Transaction Here.

Head On

other Customer Rating: Head On
Price : $3.99
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I saw this film in the theater last fall (1999), and the protagonist Alex's self-destructive quest into hard drugs and graphic anonymous unsafe sex still haunts me. Hitting close to home, the movie helped me realize certain things about the nature of many gay men torn between being accepted by society and being accepted by oneself. The film, more than just one down note after another, says that sometimes we cannot have both. Alex needs to express his homosexuality but has grown up in a strict orthodox Greek family in Melbourne, Austraila. The family serves as a microcosm for today's critical attitude toward homosexuality and Alex as a symbol for the gay man's (and gay woman's) struggle for acceptance. Since he can't have both, he doesn't want either. And Alex -- a beautiful, heart-breaking, masculine man -- fills his day with the most gratuitous, disturbing acts imaginable. But the film somehow breaks through the barrier of self-pity and self-loathing by portraying the most extreme nature of gay men in a way that distances itself just far enough. We the audience promise never to get as bad as Alex. We walk away shaking our heads, trembling from a life that's never too far from our reaches. Head On is a must-see for any gay man struggling with identity and how it's better to accept the hate of others than to accept it as a part of yourself.

Head On
