Sunday, September 30, 2012



Joyride - Are you looking for video Joyride? You comes at the right place. We provide a review about Joyride to help you choose video at the Best Price Online with Secure Transaction Here.


other Customer Rating: Joyride
Price : $11.82
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For anyone teaching a course to young actors, screenwriters, or directors, this pic is an excellent tool. The problems inherent in the pic are just as instructive as its shining moments leaving a great deal of room to pick apart camera techinques, how the use of a musical score can detract from or add to a scene, and especially internalization of motive leading to choices an actor must make to infuse life into what otherwise could end up being a stereotypical, two-dimensional character.

Tobey Maguire has built a very respectable career on his sensitive, understated performances, yet the raw J.T. offers insight into Maguire's ability to branch out into personalities that are not always the "hero." Though his relative inexperience does show through in places, the strong believability of his interpretation of J.T. clearly shows the raw talent evident in even his early work.

By far the most provoking performance in the pic is the underrated Amy Hathaway as the internally tortured and physically exploited Tanya. A solid character interpretation from start to finish, Hathaway only stumbles when the script asks her for unnecessarily gratuitous lust, specifically the silly romp-in-the-car scene with Maguire. On a contrasting note, during the powerful bedroom scene with the Mayor, Hathaway shines by deftly conveying a deep-seated anguish for Tanya's unfortunate situation that is craftily hidden during the remainder of her performance.

Also highly noteworthy is Benecio Del Toro. It is common knowledge that small-budget productions can offer a wider scope of interpretation for an actor, and Del Toro demonstrates this to the fullest extent. A master of subtle physical acting, this early role showcases the talent that blossomed in later years. Along the same lines, Christina Naify as Ms. Smith does a nice job creating a real person out of a small amount of material by exploring physical gestures and vocal patterns that make up so much of a human being's personality.

All of the actors, and to a large extent the script itself, are nearly annihilated in many places by the exasperatingly poor musical score. Instead of developing in the viewer a deeper understanding of the character's interactions, the score is often bad enough to be considered a true "groaner."

A must-see for Maguire, Hathaway, Del Toro, and those quirky Adam West fans, "Joyride" is more interesting as a study of technique than great storytelling, but well worth the ride.



Winter's Bone

Winter's Bone

Winter's Bone - Are you looking for video Winter's Bone? You comes at the right place. We provide a review about Winter's Bone to help you choose video at the Best Price Online with Secure Transaction Here.

Winter's Bone

other Customer Rating: Winter's Bone
Price : $9.99
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As crack cocaine is to inner cities and alcohol is to Indian reservations, so methamphetamine is devastating rural white communities across the United States. WINTER'S BONE, set in the remote Ozark Mountains, hauntingly depicts this plague. The story focuses on 17-year-old Ree Dolly, whose father has disappeared after putting up the family home as bail collateral. Unless she can find him, Ree and her younger brother and sister will be without a roof over their heads.

Ree's father is a "cooker" and her mother has been driven into a catatonic state. Ree is on her own in the hostile, clannish, and male-dominated community where she stumbles from trailer to trailer in her frantic search. Crank's ravages are everywhere, in the gaunt and grim faces, the harsh and sudden violence, the cruelty and hopelessness. Her father's only brother, Teardrop (flawlessly played by John Hawkes), holds a spoonful of the white powder out to her and asks, "Gotten the taste for it yet?" "Not yet," she recoils.

Aside from the down-home soundtrack, Winter's Bone is not easy to watch. Its gritty realism never lets up. The characters look like they climbed from Dorothea Lange's Depression and Dust Bowl images, only with a touch of meth-induced paranoia added to the hunger and despair. The dialogue is sparse, and not once in 100 minutes do we hear laughter or feel much hope for Ree's future. What makes it all bearable is the strength and determination of Ree, movingly played by 19-year-old Jennifer Lawrence.

Winter's Bone is winning awards and earning rave reviews. The acclaim is well deserved. To achieve authenticity, director and co-writer Debra Granik and her team spent two years immersing themselves in the local community. Ree's younger sister is even played by a child who lives in the main house in which the movie is set. The film's power makes me want to see Granik's 2005 debut film, "Down to the Bone," another award winner focused on drug addiction and featuring a strong female lead.

Postscript: For an excellent critical review, I recommend the Feb. 20 analysis by "Turfseer." (As a shortcut to it, you can type into your browser.)

Winter's Bone


Saturday, September 29, 2012

Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian: World Premiere

Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian: World Premiere

Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian: World Premiere - Are you looking for video Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian: World Premiere? You comes at the right place. We provide a review about Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian: World Premiere to help you choose video at the Best Price Online with Secure Transaction Here.

Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian: World Premiere

other Customer Rating: Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian: World Premiere
Price : $0.00
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My wife and I enjoyed the original "Night at the Museum" we expected to the sequel to be typical of seconds... not quite as good. However, "Battle of the Smithsonian" bucks this trend - and in our opinion it is significantly better than the original. The plot is a bit silly - our favorite night-watchman had made it big as inventor of useless products. His new position as CEO means that he is no longer working at the museum. The museum has also undergone a few changes - namely most of the exhibits are being shipped into storage. The storage is below the Smithsonian... and that is where the action begins!

"Battle of the Museum" blends, action, humor and a numerous celebrity cameos into a fun-filled flick. The story introduces us to some Egyptian pharaoh (can't remember which one), Ivan the Terrible, Napoleon, Amelia Earhart , Abe Licoln, and miniature Einstein bobbleheads! The star of the story is the incredibly imaginative action sequences... the jumping in-and-out pictures, the banter of Abe Lincoln.... all of it light-hearted and very entertaining.

As far as the acting - Ben Stiller was .... Ben Stiller - you either love him or you hate him. We really did enjoy Amy Adams as Amelia Earhart - she seems to have nailed the accent, look and walk - plus she was very funny!

Final Verdict - Recommended for everyone (This is a very kid friendly movie) but it highly recommended for everyone who enjoyed the original.

5 Stars

Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian: World Premiere


Google Me

Google Me

Google Me - Are you looking for video Google Me? You comes at the right place. We provide a review about Google Me to help you choose video at the Best Price Online with Secure Transaction Here.

Google Me

other Customer Rating: Google Me
Price : $14.95
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Think of the possibilities. If you were to track down people who share your name, people from all over the globe, and really get to know them...what would you learn? What would you experience?

This is not just a documentary. It is a biographical, educational, entertaining experience and a little bit wonderful and amazing.

Jim Killeen (you know, the one who made the movie) is not a professional film producer. He is an "ordinary" guy who set out to make a film. As it turns out, he produces an extraordinary cross section of interesting lives from around the world and packages it in a way that allows you to experience it as if you were in the room. It is exactly what the film industry needs...fresh, exciting ideas from minds like that of Jim Killeen.

This was quite a project. I'm glad I saw it.

If you're sitting here wondering if you should watch it...stop wondering, rent the movie, grab a snack and a drink and enjoy the show.

You made a pretty cool film, Jim!

: )

Google Me


Friday, September 28, 2012



Affliction - Are you looking for video Affliction? You comes at the right place. We provide a review about Affliction to help you choose video at the Best Price Online with Secure Transaction Here.


other Customer Rating: Affliction
Price : $10.44
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This review refers to the May 2003 release of Lion's Gate DVD edition of "Affliction".....

1998 was a year when World War II films and English period pieces took center stage. But amidst those wonderful films,there was also "Affliction". An excellent film and brillant character study that may leave you thinking about it for days afterwards. A superb piece of filmamking. Artful direction and a beautiful screenplay by Paul Schrader(who also wrote the screenplays for "Taxi Driver" and "Raging Bull"), skillfully filmed by Paul Sarossy, and exquiste acting by a cast that includes, Nick Nolte, James Coburn, Sissy Spacek and Willem Dafoe make for one deep and moving drama.

Dafoe captivatingly narrates this story of Wade Whitehouse(Nolte). A small town cop,whose past has a grip on him and won't let go. Wade who was raised by an alcoholic and abusive father(Coburn), now seems to be losing his own grip on reality as he tries to juggle his own dysfunctional life. He is in the midst of an investigation of an "accidental" hunting accident, he is trying (unsuccessfully) to mend his relationship with his young daughter, and trying to make some sort of life with his new girlfriend(Spacek). His past and his present come crashing down around him, as he examines his life and the bad memories are flooding back to him. Wade must try to break this cycle or live his life burdened with the chains of the past.

Nolte turns in what may be the performance of his career and was honored by the Nat'l Society of Film Crtics, and The New York Film Critic's Circle Awards for Best Actor in his role. Coburn is also superb and recieved an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor for his portrayal of the abusive father. I highly recommend this film to anyone who appreciates fine filmaking and an excellent drama.

This Lion's Gate DVD is an excellent transfer. The picture is sharp and clear and the colors vibrant. The sound is in Dolby Digital Stereo and is great for this film of almost all dialouge.
There are no bonus features, but it has subtitles in both English and Spanish and if you click on to the Lion's Gate logo in the main menu you will find some trailers as well.

A not to be missed film for lovers of great cinema. Thanks and enjoy...Laurie

also recommended:
The Ice Storm

Luzhin Defence (Full Screen Version)

Three Colors Trilogy (Red / White / Blue) [Import](All-region)(Remastered)



Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - Are you looking for video Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince? You comes at the right place. We provide a review about Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince to help you choose video at the Best Price Online with Secure Transaction Here.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

other Customer Rating: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Price : $9.26
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Since I had to look elsewhere for DVD details (to decide whether to buy the 2-disc or one-disc film), I thought I'd post here:

1-Disc Wide screen and Full Screen DVD

*Includes both a wide screen and full screen version of the film.
*No special features
*RRP $28.98
2-Disc Digital Copy Special Edition DVD

*Widescreen version only
*Additional scenes (6:31)
*Close-Up with the Cast and Crew of Harry Potter special. Matthew Lewis ("Neville Longbottom") and Alfred Enoch ("Dean Thomas") lead us on an entertaining look at the cast of Harry Potter as they explore their interests away from acting and spend a day on set with the production team (28:30)
*J.K. Rowling: A Year in the Life: A fascinating and intimate look into the life of J.K. Rowling over the last year of writing "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows." (49:32)
*One Minute Drills: The cast has 60 seconds to describe their character's personality, history, relationships and other traits before time runs out (6:43)
*What's On Your Mind: Hosted by Tom Felton, the cast is put on the spot when asked a series of rapid-fire questions on their likes and dislikes. (6:41)
*Universal's "The Wizarding World of Harry Potter" Sneak Peek: Get an "inside look" at the amazing world of magic and excitement being created at Universal Orlando� Resort in Florida (11:38)
*Digital Copy of the theatrical film (2nd disc)
*RRP $34.99

I can't believe the negative reviews. I read the book and thought the filmmakers did a fantastic job with it. Anyone who wants a film to be an exact replica of any book should do themselves a favor and just read the book again. Am looking forward to enjoying it again (and again) on DVD.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince


Thursday, September 27, 2012

Pride and Prejudice

Pride and Prejudice

Pride and Prejudice - Are you looking for video Pride and Prejudice? You comes at the right place. We provide a review about Pride and Prejudice to help you choose video at the Best Price Online with Secure Transaction Here.

Pride and Prejudice

other Customer Rating: Pride and Prejudice
Price : $11.68
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I have seen this movie possibly 50 times, and will see it another 50. I first saw it when I was a wee lass, and it was seeing this movie which caused me to read the to the book.....and for bringing me the mesmerizing literature of Jane Austen, I will be eternally grateful. I have since read the book even more times than I have seen the movie... and every other Jane Austen book. She is my favorite author by far, and the book is my favorite. I am reading it now, yet again, and will probably read it every year of my life.

I think the movie is the best of the lot. I realize that the movie was made in the 1940's, and the sets and costumes are not totally accurate, especially when compared to the fine latter day versions (I especially like the Colin Firth one)... But all in all, this movie, the 1940 original with Greer Garson and Laurence Olivier, is in my opinion, head and shoulders above all other film adaptations.

Not because it is more faithful in those details I previously mentioned, but because for all that, I feel like I am stepping back into the past when I watch it, and the essential ideals and concepts and stories which are the cornerstone of Pride and Prejudice are intact and inviolate here as they are in few other movies.

There is a passage in the book, "Elizabeth, having rather expected to affront him, was amazed at his gallantry; but there was a mixture of sweetness and archness in her manner which made it difficult to affront anybody". This seems to me to sum up not only our dear Lizzy, but Greer Garson as well. She IS ELIZABETH!! Never once when insulting Mr. Darcy did she not seem charming and goodhearted. She is the perfect Lizzy, and in my opinion, most every castmember is the same.. perfect for their roles.

I just love it.

Pride and Prejudice


Clear and Present Danger

Clear and Present Danger

Clear and Present Danger - Are you looking for video Clear and Present Danger? You comes at the right place. We provide a review about Clear and Present Danger to help you choose video at the Best Price Online with Secure Transaction Here.

Clear and Present Danger

other Customer Rating: Clear and Present Danger
Price : $16.93
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(I wrote this for the original, out of stock version)

Clear and Present Danger (1994 film)

The third film in the Jack Ryan series (and the last one to star Harrison Ford) deals with America's war on drugs and also the abuse of power in high places. As in Clancy's original novel, the plot hinges on one crucial question: how far can a President go to achieve a laudable goal, even if the means cross moral, legal and international boundaries?

As in the novel of the same name, the interception of an American-flagged yacht in the Caribbean results in the arrest of two Colombian "sicarios" (hit men) who have murdered the American owner (along with his entire family). The resulting FBI-CIA investigation reveals that Peter Hardin, the late yacht owner and personal friend of the U.S. President (Donald Moffat), had extensive ties to the Cali drug cartel. Hardin, as Jack Ryan (Ford) explains, had been skimming millions from his "partners," thus sealing his fate.

Although Ryan is aware that the President is understandably upset that his late friend was a money launderer for the drug lords, he is not aware that the National Security Advisor, Admiral James Cutter (Harris Yulin) and his CIA colleague Bob Ritter (Henry Czerny) have been given off-the-record orders to do "something about the drugs pouring into the country." When the President declares to Cutter that the drug cartels pose a "clear and present danger" to the United States, the somewhat slimy admiral and Ritter unleash several covert operations within the sovereign nation of Colombia.

While Ryan does get orders to go to Bogotá and find out about Hardin's financial dealings with the Cali Cartel, he is totally unaware that Cutter and Ritter have launched Operation Reciprocity, a clandestine invasion of Colombia by Spanish-speaking special-ops troops. These forces, supervised by ex-CIA field officer John Clark (Willem Dafoe), wreak havoc as they blow up drug labs and smuggling aircraft. Nevertheless, Cutter and Ritter keep Ryan in the dark, and the upright analyst and now acting Deputy Director (Intelligence) unknowingly tells a Senate subcommittee that there are no troop deployments planned for Colombia.

Further complicating Ryan's life is the sudden discovery that his boss and mentor, Admiral James Greer (James Earl Jones), is dying of cancer. Little does he know that his ascent to Greer's job will propel Ryan into the middle of a life and death situation in Colombia...and a constitutional crisis at home.

What makes the Jack Ryan books and movies work is not just the slam-bam action sequences or the glimpses at the mysterious workings of the CIA, but the very notion that a CIA employee can be portrayed as an honorable and decent fellow. Tom Clancy clearly desired to show that the agents and analysts who work for the CIA are not the "dark forces" depicted in films such as "Three Days of the Condor" or "Firefox." Nor are they martini-swilling, trigger happy, bed-hopping super-spies like James Bond. Ford (like Alec Baldwin before him, and like Ben Affleck after) shows Ryan has intelligence, courage, and, above all, integrity.

As in Patriot Games, Ford also shares a few short yet important scenes with his wife and two children. Ann Archer and Thora Birch returned to play Ryan's wife Cathy and daughter Sally, giving Ryan that most un-Bond-like sense of family and a tie to the audience.

Although the screenplay by Donald Stewart, Steven Zaillan, and John (Red Dawn) Millius strip the huge and complex Clancy novel to its bare essentials and changes many scenes and situations, Ford's acting and Philip Noyce's able directing makes Clear and Present Danger a top-notch action thriller. Even though as in Patriot Games the ending is rendered in a good-guy vs. bad-guy shootout (whereas in the novel the ending for the villains was more subtle and thereby more chilling), this movie is still worth watching.

The DVD I own is Paramount's first barebones release. Of course, even that is an improvement over the pan-and-scan "full screen" VHS tape I had previously owned. The movie has been restored to its original Widescreen presentation, given Dolby digital audio in both English and French, Spanish subtitles, English captions, interactive menus, and the theatrical trailer. The newer version has commentary tracks, making-of featurettes, and other extras.

Clear and Present Danger


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Dan in Real Life

Dan in Real Life

Dan in Real Life - Are you looking for video Dan in Real Life? You comes at the right place. We provide a review about Dan in Real Life to help you choose video at the Best Price Online with Secure Transaction Here.

Dan in Real Life

other Customer Rating: Dan in Real Life
Price : $12.57
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I blame it solely on that horribly cheesy poster art portraying Steve Carell's head laying on a stack of flapjacks, but I wrote off `Dan in Real Life' well before actually seeing it despite the good reviews and word of mouth from friends. It was supposed to be really good, but in my head all I saw was cheesy ridiculousness pretending to be sincere. I'm really glad that I finally gave in and watched this film this past weekend.

What a treasure.

I know this may seem like an odd comparison, and I will say off the bat that the film I'm about to compare it to does have some heavier themes, but this reminded me a lot of last years independent surprise `Rachel Getting Married'. In fact, I actually think that overall, `Dan in Real Life' is the better of the two films, or at least the most complete and comfortable of the two (when have I ever shunned away from discomfort in a cinematic offering?). I had a few issues with `Rachel's construction, but here I was completely soaking up every frame. It was funny, touching, charming, emotionally resonate and beautifully structured.

In quoting the film itself, and my review's title; "Plan to be surprised".

Steve plays Dan, an advice columnist who has lost his wife to an illness and is rearing his three young daughters with difficulty. His eldest daughter just wants to be given some freedoms, his middle daughter just wants to be allowed to express her newfound love and his youngest daughter just wants a little attention. Dan, depressed yet never to the dramatically overstated and clichéd effect that many actors would have played it, is just not capable of giving them what they need. When they make a trip to visit family, Dan meets the beautiful Marie and sparks fly, but she is involved and so they part only to uncover that they will be spending a lot of time together as Marie is dating Dan's younger brother Mitch. Trying to hide their growing affection for one another, Dan and Marie try and play cool, but it soon becomes more than either of them can handle.

The film is so much more than a glorified rom-com, as it seemed to have been marketed as. I really wish that this would have gotten the push it deserved, and that it had been campaigned as what it really is; a heartfelt and honest portrait of middle-aged growth and development. There is a sincerity about the way Dan comes to terms with his own person, trying to understand who he is as a man, as a father, as a widower. Carell is outstanding here (something I never imagined that I would say). Juliette Binoche is marvelous, as usual, giving her delicate performance a layer of spunk and wit that makes her delicious in every sense of the word. I even enjoyed Dane Cook's performance, and I find him repulsive. He was genuine and charming and natural.

I just love the piano-side sing-along (piggyface), for it was scenes like that that gave the film this lovely sense of naturalness.

Between the stellar cast and the wonderfully constructed scripting (nothing is ever too clichéd and even the romance is developed with smarts as apposed to the usual laziness) that contains some comical yet appropriate dialog ("MURDERER OF LOVE!"), `Dan in Real Life' is the real deal. I am just in such a state of pleasant and very welcomed shock right now.

Now, let's talk about fixing that ridiculous cover-art.

Dan in Real Life


An Inconvenient Truth

An Inconvenient Truth

An Inconvenient Truth - Are you looking for video An Inconvenient Truth? You comes at the right place. We provide a review about An Inconvenient Truth to help you choose video at the Best Price Online with Secure Transaction Here.

An Inconvenient Truth

other Customer Rating: An Inconvenient Truth
Price : $7.72
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Ok, let me get this straight. They made a documentary about Al Gore giving a lecture? About global warming? Okay, I'm already asleep. Snore. Yawn. Why don't I just stay home and save the money I would spend to take a nap.

All kidding aside, if you know anything about Al Gore, you know this is a subject he is extremely committed to and passionate about. Very passionate. And after five years of some of the worst, most harmful environmental policy to ever come out of Washington, DC, there is no better time for "An Inconvenient Truth".

I know many consider Gore to be less than a captivating speaker. But in "An Inconvenient Truth" he comes across as a different man because he is so passionate and committed to the subject of global warming, he comes across as a different man. Informed, knowledgeable, conversational and persuasive, if he were like this during the election, there would be no Florida Recount in our history books. Okay, so that didn't happen. But the result is that Gore, much like Clinton and Carter, are trying to do something with their status to help better the world. Gore has long been an environmental advocate and it shows. He knows the facts inside and out; people have provided him with statistics, graphs, charts and more, and he uses them in this presentation.

As Gore states, he has given the lecture more than a thousand times around the globe. Because of this, he is extremely comfortable addressing large audiences, giving them a lot of scientific research to digest. Remarkably, he makes it easy to understand, pointing out key facts, walking us through some of the more difficult to understand ideas and problems. He also knows when the audience needs a break and interjects humor here and there. At one point, he shows a spoof of an educational film animated by the people at "The Simpsons". At others, he makes fun of himself and his political ambitions and woes.

Davis Guggenheim, the filmmaker, has apparently presented Gore's lecture virtually intact. As Gore moves around on a dais, clicking for the next slide, he makes persuasive points. But he also reaches a couple of key points. When this happens, the filmmakers smartly pull back from the lecture, giving us a portrait of a few key moments in Gore's life. The argument he makes in his lecture is persuasive, intelligent and well thought out, but because we learn more about the man making the presentation, these points have even more resonance. Not only do these moments give us more details about Gore, they also provide a respite from the scientific data, allowing us to absorb what we have learned.

At one point, Gore states that the data is irrefutable and it appears to be. Remarkably, the filmmakers show footage of various people attacking Gore, or claiming the data he is presenting is not based in fact. Yet, we can see it for ourselves, right in front of us. And I am sure Gore could easily provide a bibliography of resources for us to check out all of the facts he uses. What would drive some of these people to attack Gore and this data? Some of the clips are from Gore's days as a Senator and Vice President, so some of that can be contributed to political parties trying to one-up each other. But currently, Gore does not hold political office, yet the current administration seems intent on giving every break to the worst polluters in the country, allowing them to make as much money as possible while they pollute and pollute and pollute. Gore shows a slide about this argument. Apparently, there is the thought good environmental policy will impact the economy. How do these same people explain the relationship between Toyota, Honda, Ford and GM? Toyota and Honda manufacture vehicles with far better gas mileage than their competitors and are much more successful because of it. An argument Gore makes very convincingly.

Thankfully, Gore stays away from political bias. More or less. A couple of times, he makes funny remarks about his failed run for the presidency, or he makes a pointed comment about the current administration, but by and large his comments are directed at us and what we should do to save our planet. The film isn't void of bias, but there could certainly have been a lot more. The fact the filmmaker and Gore showed some restraint makes his presentation even more persuasive.

The film ends with a series of `calls to action' as the credits begin. Frankly, these aren't needed because Gore's arguments are so convincing. But they are effective. As one call to action states "Urge everyone you know to see this film." Well, folks, that's what I am doing. Go and see this film. We need to do something before it is too late to do anything. Hopefully, this film will one day be viewed as a historical document of the beginning of a great change and not as a horror film.

An Inconvenient Truth


Tuesday, September 25, 2012



Blackthorn - Are you looking for video Blackthorn? You comes at the right place. We provide a review about Blackthorn to help you choose video at the Best Price Online with Secure Transaction Here.


other Customer Rating: Blackthorn
Price : $15.99
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One reviewer's blurb said: "A classic old-fashioned western, every bit as good as 'Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid'." It is neither. It should not even be compared to that film since it's only marginally in the same genre.

There are many good things about "Blackthorn" -- Sam Shepard's acting, for instance. The scenery is also excellent, albeit dully colored. I would have chosen a better film stock. Most of the colors seemed drab and lifeless to me. That may be partially due to the generally overcast skies that were the norm in Bolivia - at least that appears to be the case when they were shooting this film. But I believe that either the film they used did not reproduce the colors well or there was something wrong with the projector at the theater in which I saw it. Yet even with the lack of color saturation, there were some spectacular vistas as our hero made his way across the country. The director made excellent use of the widescreen format.

Another interesting aspect of the movie was the back-story - the flashbacks to the early 1900's with Butch, Sundance, and Etta Place. Those flashbacks provide a possible explanation as to how Butch and Sundance survived the infamous gun battle with the Bolivian army and why they split up. Enough said about that. (No spoilers here.)

I will mention that, historically speaking, while there is evidence of two American bandits being killed in a gun battle with a few soldiers (not an entire army) and a couple others from a small Bolivian town, later DNA evidence ruled out those bandits as being either Butch or Sundance. Also, many people have stated they met with and/or knew Robert Leroy Parker (aka Butch Cassidy) after he moved back to the U.S. (using an alias, of course).

But the story and the characters were rather bleak and left me feeling as cold as Blackthorn working his way through the high mountains of Bolivia with the young criminal who owed him money.

I would recommend this film with reservations. Don't go in expecting a fast-moving story with colorful, genial characters. It is tense and somber.



Happy Feet

Happy Feet

Happy Feet - Are you looking for video Happy Feet? You comes at the right place. We provide a review about Happy Feet to help you choose video at the Best Price Online with Secure Transaction Here.

Happy Feet

other Customer Rating: Happy Feet
Price : $5.97
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First of all, this is simply a great movie. The narrative is brought to life with humor, action, important life lessons, and conservational commentary. The voice actors all give 5-star performances and the animation is incredible.

But, this being the Blu-ray disc, I'm going to focus on the picture and sound.

The animation by itself is simply breath-taking; easily one of, if not the best looking CGI feature to date. But in HD, it's brought to life even further. Every feather on the penguins is apparent, every flake of snow falling through the air and I'd almost go so far as to say every molecule of water! This is the best looking animated feature you can get on Blu-ray now. It's definitely the show-off piece when people ask "How much better does HD look?". The leopard seal was particularly mind-blowing to me.

Another hook is the sound. While I wouldn't say this is the best sounding movie on Blu-ray, it definitely puts sound to good use and ranks pretty high. All five channels are used when appropriate, but Happy Feet does not utilize them as much as other films. Still, crank up the sound and the action scenes will blow you away.

All in all, this is an excellent movie made even better on Blu-ray. At this time, this is the Blu-ray disc to own for giving people lessons about HD.

Happy Feet


Monday, September 24, 2012

The Great Gatsby (1974)

The Great Gatsby (1974)

The Great Gatsby (1974) - Are you looking for video The Great Gatsby (1974)? You comes at the right place. We provide a review about The Great Gatsby (1974) to help you choose video at the Best Price Online with Secure Transaction Here.

The Great Gatsby (1974)

other Customer Rating: The Great Gatsby (1974)
Price : $8.56
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I get the impression that the people giving this movie poor reviews are a mix of 1) intellectual snobs (or would-be) who think it compulsory to pan any screen attempt to tackle great literature or 2) hooligans who can't appreciate a movie unless it's got blood, guts, and vulgarity (in short, like most movies made today). I loved Fitzgerald's book, and I loved this film, and here's why:

It is not only an effective, emotionally gripping rendition of the book (made plain by the very dislike so many people express for its intentionally dislikable characters), but it is a visually stunning one, capturing all the hollow gold of the glitzy era the book so devastatingly indicts, and the performances by nearly all the players are superb (with special kudos to Sam Waterston for the very personification of Nick the narrator). For all those who say the movie is lacking depth or who criticize Mia Farrow's rendering of Daisy as flighty, your very criticism reveals the film's great achievement of realizing the main point of the book. Fitzgerald's point was that the Roaring Twenties WERE shallow, represented by the "rotten crowd" of "careless people" (quoted from the book, and in Nick's commentary at the end of the movie) that very much included Daisy, as well as Tom. I don't know how any honest reading of the book could interpret Daisy as "sensible," as one critic put it, and even "vulnerable" is a stretch. Quoted from book and paraphrased in movie: "They were careless people, Tom and Daisy--they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness, or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made..." Farrow's fey performance portrays her character very accurately, best summed up by the exchange between Nick and Robert Redford's Gatsby: Nick: "She has an indiscreet voice." Gatsby: "Her voice is full of--money." Moreover, Bruce Dern as Tom, though less physically imposing than implied in the book, is nevertheless the consummate, racist bully he is supposed to be, and caused me to cower instinctively whenever he spoke.

The movie faithfully conveys the story of a deeply flawed, not atypical, hero, Gatsby, living in a world he built on dreams of his own fabrication, including his lovely Daisy. He is a man of such endless hope, romance, and a kind of chivalry (much is made of his war heroism in the book, and this is emphasized in several scenes in the movie) that is not without egotism, pomp, and an "eagerness to be liked" that Redford brings so well to the role. Almost noble in his earnestness and belief in romantic love, he rises from poverty in an age (not unlike our own?) when money is confused with class and nobility. Being unable to compete in that crass, careless, selfish, shallow world (for how long can anyone, when there's always someone richer?), he and his dreams are doomed. One of many great acting moments in the film takes place when Nick advises Gatsby he "can't repeat the past." Redford looks back at him, incredulous, almost as if he'd been struck, "Can't repeat the past? Of COURSE you can!" The words ring out, ominous in a hopelessness obvious to everyone but Gatsby.

I agree with others below who praised the performances of some of the lesser characters as well, including a genuinely heartbreaking portrayal of Gatz, Gatsby's father.

Dump the critics, read the book, and buy the film.

The Great Gatsby (1974)
